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Talk:Tunnel magnetoresistance

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 The read-heads of modern hard disk drives work on the basis of magnetic tunnel junctions. TMR

Is this still correct that most harddrives at 2012 still use TMR, and not the GMR `a5b (talk) 16:22, 25 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The progression went Hall probe/others -> AMR -> GMR -> TMR where each step made a big change in areal density. TMR can be thought of as an improved GMR -- by tunneling between magnetic layers instead of conducting through a non-magnetic spacer you get a lot better sensitivity. The article Disk read-and-write head has a decent summary. I'll try to clarify here. a13ean (talk) 19:58, 25 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Confusing Pseudo-intellectual Introduction


This statement in the intro is not clear without some info about its relevance. Someone is trying to look smart but in a meaningless way: "Since this process is forbidden in classical physics, the tunnel magnetoresistance is a strictly quantum mechanical phenomenon." Classical physics vs. quantum mechanics -- impressive. Why should anyone care? --Jelsova (talk) 23:13, 15 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]